Your home for

food + body


Say                         to the external rules, “shoulds”, and shame around food and body.


Did your heart just start racing a little? The idea of letting go of control - especially when it comes to food and bodies - is one of the scariest things you can do if you’re struggling with an eating disorder or disordered eating.

But here’s what we know is true at Feeding Your Soul Nutrition -
Recreating a relationship with food, body, & movement can support your FULL self. You know, the one that is living internally that you’re hesitant to share with the world? Showing up as your truest self can be really hard when you can’t turn your brain off with that never-ending thought rollercoaster. What can letting go of control open up space for?! 

That’s where our work begins together and what we’re hoping to help you find out!

Health at Every Size ®

our guiding principles...

Intuitive Eating

Weight Inclusivity

Non-Diet Approach

Virtual Nutrition Counseling

in california

Our world is filled with so many confusing and distorted messages about nutrition and bodies that often takes people on an unsettling and dangerous emotional and physical roller coaster ride. Our goal is to help you rebuild trust, autonomy, and connection with your body and honor your individual wants and needs.

Whether you're diagnosed with an eating disorder, concerned about your relationship with food, frustrated with binging, or looking to enjoy food again while wanting to maintain health, we've got you.


Initial Session

90 minutes

During your initial session, you and your dietitian will start to get to know each other, review intake paperwork, understand your journey with food and body thus far, and identify intentions and direction for your work together moving forward. 

schedule your initial session

Follow-Up Sessions

50 minutes

Once we complete your initial session, we’ll schedule follow-up sessions as long as you feel like it’s a good fit!

Parent Sessions

30 or 50 minutes

Need some extra support as the caregiver of someone recovering from an eating disorder? Contact us at

Your presence matters here.

- Morgan Harper Nichols -

Let's Connect!

We are so glad you're here and can't wait to meet you and support you on this journey!

Please fill out the information in the form (link below!) to help us match you with one of our dietitians. A team member will *reach out to you with options for scheduling and/or a referral for another clinician if they are unable to take new clients at this time. Thank you for reaching out!

*we will reach out to every inquiry within 48 hours of submission! If you did not receive a response via email it's sometimes because the emails go to your junk or spam folders. Please add to your address book to ensure you receive our response!

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Eating disorder recovery exists most in the in-between moments - the time between seeing your dietitian and therapist, the moment that you have made enough progress to go down to monthly sessions, and in the long haul of sustaining a supportive relationship with food and body.

learn more about extended

meet you in the inbetween.

a monthly membership to